A group of teachers from Mongolia has visited ATEI, Thessaloniki and TUS, Bulgaria for intensive training in double-degree master program development, content & methodology. Prof. Catalin Vrabie from ATIC, Romania, has come to TUS and presented lectures on smart city issues. In ATEI the participants have attended lectures of George Stefanidis (Open Technology Services IT company), which was devoted to description basic “building blocks” of smart city applications, a series of lectures and practical workshops of Dr. Christos Tjortjis on the topic of Data Mining Applications, and a series of lectures of Jose Salanova on the topic of smart cities applications in transport domain. They also have visited laboratories and observed technical infrastructure in Centre for Research & Technology-Hellas (CERTH). In TUS the teachers have attended the lectures by Catalin Vrabie, about managing the transformations of a smart cities, have visited the Technological park of Sofia, where the examples of smart cities technologies were shown, visited the advanced laboratories of the TUS.



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