To help students and the young generation study at EU universities were introduced which are in this project European and Partner universities, including Riga Technical University, and the requirements for university admission and quality assurance system were explained. And Dr. Zorig.G, the leader of the Smart Ulaanbaatar project and member of the Project team of MUST, gave a presentation, answered questions from students, and discussed. In addition to the students of the Mongolian University of Science and Technology, the Student fair was attended by students from the Cloud Universities Consortium's members universities.[...]
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The Summer School in a frame of Activity 3.4
- Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia |
- @25-29 of October 2021, Virtual
SMARTCITY: Innovative Approach Towards a Master Program on Smart Cities Technologies/SMRCITY Activity 3.4 Summer School was organized on 25-29 October 2021 by universities of Mongolia MUST and NUM. A total of 72 professors, lecturers, researchers, and students actively participated in this Summer School.[...]
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The workshop in a frame of Activity 3.2 PC teachers’ training abroad
- Chemnitz, Germany |
- @19-23 of April 2021, ONLINE

The workshop in a frame of Activity 3.2 PC teachers’ training abroad
- Riga, Latvia |
- @1-3; 8-9 of April 2021, Virtual
18-22 of November 2019 teachers from Mongolia, Russia and Kazakhstan took part in the training session organized by Chemnitz Technical University. During a week 13 teachers were taught how to use the e-learning system OPAL and the knowledge evaluation software ONIX. OPAL and ONIZ are used at the Saxony Universities[...]
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Summer School "Smart City Today and Tomorrow" at Novosibirsk State Technical University
- Novosibirsk |
- @July 1-5, 2019

Seminar on quality assurance system at Sofia Technical University
- 14 May 2019 |
- @2020-06-09 01:23:51.666455+00:00

Training session for the senior academic administrators
- Thessaloniki, Greece Sofia, Bulgaria |
- @2020-06-09 01:23:51.666455+00:00
4-10 of March, 2019 at the University of Applied Science of Salzburg (Austria) there was held the training session for the senior academic administrators. The delegation from Mongolian University of Science and Technology – representatives: Baatarkhuu (Vice-president), Batdorj (Head of department of development curriculum), Narantsetseg(Director of Graduate School of Engineering).[...]
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